Why Businesses Should Be Blogging

I am still amazed that almost daily I hear from business owners something along the lines of “should I have a blog on my website?” In the vast majority of cases the answer is a big fat YES! One thing I do always say at this point is make sure that you actually use the blog, there is nothing more likely to turn a site visitor off than a blog that hasn’t been posted on for 6 months.

Now why should I have a blog you ask, well the benefits are many, firstly it is a fantastic way of producing fresh relevant content for your site which can help you a great deal in the eyes of the Google gods in this post Panda world. A blog integrated into your website is also an ideal way of telling customers past, present and future about any new products or services you are offering and any industry news and if you tie your blogging activities into your social media activities it can help increase customer engagement and even raise awareness of your brand and your products.

There are also some cold hard facts as to why as a business you should be blogging and a lot of them relate to SEO, for example did you know that on average companies that blog have 97% more inbound links or that small businesses with blogs generate 126% more leads.

To help illustrate why you should be blogging I came across this great infographic on Socialmediatoday.com:

Why businesses should be bloggingHow are you all getting on with your blogging efforts, let me know in the comments box below.

By Chris Jones

One thought on “Why Businesses Should Be Blogging

  1. I completely agree with you. The key to better rankings in search results is good, trustworthy content. The best way to build that without social media is a blog. When you add social media, a website/blog can be amplified.

    Nice infographic, btw.

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